We've already started! Last Wednesday we tried something a bit different – a few live writing exercises to fix specific issues in my made-up text. It's quite freeing to just have to write for a few minutes - we're all more creative than we think!

Remember that you can join from anywhere, and we're a friendly bunch – we'd love to see you. Here's what we have in store to keep you writing up to Christmas:

The practicalities:
Meeting format
7.30-8.30 p.m. (UK time): Topic presentation, discussion, exercise, group feedback.
8.15-9.30 p.m.: Group members read from their work (2,000 words, approx) – sharing their work on their screen if possible. Group then gives feedback for each – what the writer did well and why, and suggestions for consideration.
If you’d like to join, please email me at justrightedit@gmail.com, if possible by 8th November please.
Cost for the above: £35 per person, also by 26th September please.
My PayPal link: https://paypal.me/JustRightEditing?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB I can send my bank details to you separately if you prefer not to use PayPal.
Zoom link TBC.
Whether we meet for a small mulled wine and a mince pie somewhere near Stratford upon Avon is TBC :)